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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fungsi Terbilang – Merubah bilangan ke kata

Fungsi Terbilang(...) dan TerbilangRp(...)

Pada worksheet ini kita memakai fungsi terbilang yang telah di entry pada module Terbilang

Pada module tersebut kita memiliki dua fungsi utama untuk menampilkan angka menjadi:

1. Terbilang(x) -> sekian koma sekian per seratus

2. TerbilangRp(x) -> sekian rupiah sekian sen

Penggunaannya sama dengan penggunaan fungsi-fungsi dalam excel lainnya.



922,337,203,685,477.00 (angka tertinggi yang bisa diterjemahkan)

Ditulis : Sembilan ratus dua puluh dua triliun tiga ratus tiga puluh tujuh milyar dua ratus tiga juta enam ratus delapan puluh lima ribu empat ratus tujuh puluh tujuh

= TerbilangRp(B9)

Hasilnya: Sembilan ratus dua puluh dua triliun tiga ratus tiga puluh tujuh milyar dua ratus tiga juta enam ratus delapan puluh lima ribu empat ratus tujuh puluh tujuh koma



'This Public Function for Indonesian "Numeric to string Converstion"

'You can copy, modify or take part of this function

'Redesign and retouch to get new rupiah function by:


Public Function Terbilang(x As Currency)

Dim triliun As Currency

Dim milyar As Currency

Dim juta As Currency

Dim ribu As Currency

Dim satu As Currency

Dim sen As Currency

Dim baca As String

If x > 1E+15 Then

Terbilang = "<di atas satu triliun rupiah>"

Exit Function

End If

'jika x adalan 0, maka dibaca sebagai 0

If x = 0 Then

baca = angka(0, 1)


'Pisah masing-masing bagian untuk triliun, milyard, juta, ribu, rupiah dan sen

triliun = Int(x * 0.001 ^ 4)

milyar = Int((x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4) * 0.001 ^ 3)

juta = Int((x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4 - milyar * 1000 ^ 3) * 0.001 ^ 2)

ribu = Int((x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4 - milyar * 1000 ^ 3 - juta * 1000 ^ 2) * 0.001)

satu = Int(x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4 - milyar * 1000 ^ 3 - juta * 1000 ^ 2 - ribu * 1000)

sen = Int((x - Int(x)) * 100)

'baca bagian triliun dan ditambah akhiran trilliun

If triliun > 0 Then

baca = Ratus(triliun, 5) + "triliun "

End If


'baca bagian milyar dan ditambah akhiran milyar

If milyar > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(milyar, 4) + "milyar "

End If

'baca bagian juta dan ditambah akhiran juta

If juta > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(juta, 3) + "juta "

End If

'baca bagian ribu dan ditambah akhiran ribu

If ribu > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(ribu, 2) + "ribu "

End If

'baca bagian rupiah dan ditambah akhiran rupiah

If satu > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(satu, 1)

End If

'baca bagian sen dan ditambah akhiran sen

If sen > 0 Then

baca = baca + "koma " + Ratus(sen, 0) + "per seratus "

End If

End If

Terbilang = UCase(Left(baca, 1)) & LCase(Mid(baca, 2))

End Function

Public Function TerbilangRp(x As Currency)

Dim triliun As Currency

Dim milyar As Currency

Dim juta As Currency

Dim ribu As Currency

Dim satu As Currency

Dim sen As Currency

Dim baca As String

If x > 1E+15 Then

TerbilangRp = "<di atas seribu triliun rupiah>"

Exit Function

End If

'jika x adalah 0, maka dibaca sebagai 0

If x = 0 Then

baca = angka(0, 1)


'Pisah masing-masing bagian untuk triliun, milyard, juta, ribu, rupiah dan sen

triliun = Int(x / 1000 ^ 4)

milyar = Int((x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4) * 0.001 ^ 3)

juta = Int((x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4 - milyar * 1000 ^ 3) / 1000 ^ 2)

ribu = Int((x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4 - milyar * 1000 ^ 3 - juta * 1000 ^ 2) / 1000)

satu = Int(x - triliun * 1000 ^ 4 - milyar * 1000 ^ 3 - juta * 1000 ^ 2 - ribu * 1000)

sen = Int((x - Int(x)) * 100)

'baca bagian triliun dan ditambah akhiran trilliun

If triliun > 0 Then

baca = Ratus(triliun, 5) + "triliun "

End If

'baca bagian milyar dan ditambah akhiran milyar

If milyar > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(milyar, 4) + "milyar "

End If

'baca bagian juta dan ditambah akhiran juta

If juta > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(juta, 3) + "juta "

End If

'baca bagian ribu dan ditambah akhiran ribu

If ribu > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(ribu, 2) + "ribu "

End If

'baca bagian rupiah dan ditambah akhiran rupiah

If satu > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(satu, 1) + ""

End If

'sebelum bagian sen

baca = baca & "rupiah "

'baca bagian sen dan ditambah akhiran sen

If sen > 0 Then

baca = baca + Ratus(sen, 0) + "sen "

End If

End If

TerbilangRp = UCase(Left(baca, 1)) & LCase(Mid(baca, 2))

End Function

Function Ratus(x As Currency, Posisi As Integer) As String

Dim a100 As Integer, a10 As Integer, a1 As Integer

Dim baca As String

a100 = Int(x * 0.01)

a10 = Int((x - a100 * 100) * 0.1)

a1 = Int(x - a100 * 100 - a10 * 10)

If a100 = 1 Then

baca = "Seratus "


If a100 > 0 Then

baca = angka(a100, Posisi) + "ratus "

End If

End If

'baca bagian puluhan dan satuan

If a10 = 1 Then

baca = baca + angka(a10 * 10 + a1, Posisi)


If a10 > 0 Then

baca = baca + angka(a10, Posisi) + "puluh "

End If

If a1 > 0 Then

baca = baca + angka(a1, Posisi)

End If

End If

Ratus = baca

End Function


Function angka(x As Integer, Posisi As Integer)

Select Case x

Case 0: angka = "Nol"

Case 1:

If Posisi <= 2 Or Posisi > 2 Then

angka = "Satu "


angka = "Se"

End If

Case 2: angka = "Dua "

Case 3: angka = "Tiga "

Case 4: angka = "Empat "

Case 5: angka = "Lima "

Case 6: angka = "Enam "

Case 7: angka = "Tujuh "

Case 8: angka = "Delapan "

Case 9: angka = "Sembilan "

Case 10: angka = "Sepuluh "

Case 11: angka = "Sebelas "

Case 12: angka = "Duabelas "

Case 13: angka = "Tigabelas "

Case 14: angka = "Empatbelas "

Case 15: angka = "Limabelas "

Case 16: angka = "Enambelas "

Case 17: angka = "Tujuhbelas "

Case 18: angka = "Delapanbelas "

Case 19: angka = "Sembilanbelas "

End Select

End Function


Memasukkan Fungsi Terbilang

Masukkan Kode dalam listing vba function dengan cara mengcopy seluruh kode

ke dalam module Vba dalam suatu worksheet.

1. Blok/sorot A1:A163 dan Copy atau Ctrl-C pada Sheet Listing Vba Function

2. Pilih Tool - Macro - Visual Basic Editor atau Alt-F11

3. Insert - Module

4. Edit - Paste atau Ctrl-V

5 File Save … Beri nama misalnya: BacaAngka atau yang lainnya


anda tinggal menggunakannya.

Untuk merubah power button menjadi shutdown

Pengetahuan Komputer


Untuk merubah power button menjadi shutdown maka


control panel

power Option

pada tab advanced


Power buttons


When I press the power button on my computer


pilih Shut down

Selamat mencoba

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Adsense Account being disabled

Today my adsense account is being diabled by google. The probable cause of is invalid click from my computer to my adsense ads in my website.

it's my mistake to keep my computer on while I am away. One of my friend browse the website and click the ads.

Here the letter from google:


It has come to our attention that invalid clicks and/or impressions
have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s). We have
therefore disabled your Google AdSense account. Please understand that
this was a necessary step to protect the interests of AdWords

As you may know, a publisher's site may not have invalid clicks or
impressions on any ad(s), including but not limited to clicks and/or
impressions generated by:

- a publisher on his own web pages
- a publisher encouraging others to click on his ads
- automated clicking or surfing programs, or any other deceptive
- a publisher altering any portion of the ad code or changing the
layout, behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reason

These or any other such activities that violate Google AdSense Terms
and Conditions and program polices may have led us to disable your
account. The Terms and Conditions and program polices can be viewed at:

If you have any questions about invalid activity or the action taken on
your account, please do not reply to this email. You can find more
information by visiting


The Google AdSense Team

So for all of you who read this. Please keep in your mind that never leave your computer on with your website on the screen. These will cause you lose your adsense account

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Product Creation Tip - Let Those Around You Inspire

Moving on now to product creation tip number three. Stop for a moment. Look around. We've done this before in tip number one, mix with your market. You should have already had a go at this, and if you haven't, I urge you to go back to tip number one and do so, because the exercise there is the basis of idea generation.

This time, instead of looking around you, I want you to listen. Listen to your friends, the people you hang around with. Eavesdrop on your family. How about the person behind you in the queue at the supermarket, what are they talking about?

Do you see how I'm building on all the senses here? I wasn't lying when I said to you product creation is about generating ideas through being aware of yourself and your surroundins in a more heightened fashion than those who don't know how to do this.

The fact of the matter is there's so much going on in our lives that unless you force yourself into this for the first few weeks, it won't happen to you because you'll fall back into that daily grind-like trance. Once you've done this for a long while, it will start to become habit, an automatic thing that will sound alarm bells in your head when you hear someone mention an idea, even when you've never actually met the person, and probably never will.

How many times have you heard a friend or family member, or even a random passer by say 'I wish product X did action Y?' I hear that almost every single day, from myself and those around me. It's amazing how good we are complaining about things, but rarely ever think about trying to put them right, let alone thinking along the lines of making a profit at the same time.

Let me give you an example of exactly how I created some of my products, or rather, how other people created these products for me. Picture the situation. It's a hot summers day, I've just decided I want to create a fire sale, but this time, it has to be a fire sale with a difference. So I shovel myself out of bed, jump in the shower, and do all the other morning stuff that people tend to do in the morning.

I turn my computer on and write my goal down. I create a new folder called 'Fire sale 3' and then create a text document inside. This is going to be my fire sale planner where I'm going to want to come up with ten or so products that I can package up and make a killing with later this summer.

At that point, the computer goes off. I don't go around looking for products or inspiration, I don't think hard about what I'm going to do. I don't need to really, because when using the methods in these sections, they come to me.

Anyway, I'm feeling a little thirsty and decide to have a healthy breakfast this morning, so I head out to the store near me to pick up a bottle of Dr Pepper and a chocolate bar. I walk in, grab my gear, and walk to the queue. Now over here right now, football is all the rage, so it didn't really surprise me to find two young kids in front of me talking away about where they learned their football skills from and arguing about which one is better.

It was at that point, one of them began talking about this book he read of a footballers training regime. Kids? Reading books? I couldn't help but keep listening at that point. 'Yeah,' he continued. 'I bought this book that he wrote, and I don't care what you say, you can learn to be skillful from reading a book. I never understood half the stuff people were on about when they talked about their training, but this guy made it into a diary and encouraged readers to follow it, and I did, that's why I'm so much better than you now, 'cause I understand it all properly. I understand why now'.

At that point they paid and walked off. The checkout assistant had to call me over because I was still pondering over what they said. Now bear in mind it's obvious what's coming when I put it to you in the context of product creation, but at that point in time it was just one of hundreds if not thousands of random occurrences that happen to us all every single day, so it took me a moment to make the connection.

I got home and began a diary, not just of random marketing stuff, but of a 14 day challenge to create something big, noting down every detail, from what woke me up in the morning, how long I was working, what I was working on, how I was coming up with my ideas, how they were being developed, written, launched and sold. At the end of the week I had a 200 page document that I knew immediately was going to be a big hit. It was so different to anything I'd done before, and on reading it I had 'that good feeling' that you get, when you know something is just oozing quality. Turns out my friends, family, colleagues and customers thought exactly the same.

So I take this moment to thank the two 8 or 9 year olds that were arguing in the queue in a Budgens store in front of me in mid 2006, because I just took nearly $150,000 in sales because of my star product, the idea of which, you handed me on a plate.

You see, it's not all about watching or reading. You need to listen, and you need to draw inspiration from not just other marketers, not just your close friends, but everything around you. Your surroundings, what you hear, what you see, who you meet, who you hear talking, what you're touching, what you enjoy, what you dislike.
You don't even need to actively set out to look for ideas, the moment you can reach that sense of awareness and snap out of that trance you're in, bang, they'll start hitting you from all angles, and you won't be able to type fast enough to note them all down.

Ok this is where my inner kid comes out, because it's still thriving. This is a lot of fun and makes a lot of money, so what I'm going to ask you to do now is this. Go shopping. In a supermarket, you're surrounded by the cream of the crop, the best marketing, the best presentation, products, ideas and of course the shoppers who are absolutely packed full of opinions.

So there we have it. Turn your computer off, and go buy a few things from the nearest supermarket, even if it's just a coke or something. While you're there, take your time walking around and listen and watch everything. When you hear someone complain, or mention anything that they like or dislike, or come up with any idea that they may laugh off and say 'Yeah if only that existed' think about it hard. How does it relate to your marketing and the presentation of your products?

You will never run out of ideas again once you master this, not to mention it's pretty fun trying to look inconspicuous reading labels when actually you're trying to listen in on other peoples' conversations for that career enhancing, product creating tip that's going to take your profit beyond what you ever thought possible.

Fact of the matter is, I'm not trying to be funny, I'm not trying to be different, come up with something new or eccentric. It works. Try it if you don't believe me.

I wonder if they'd be mad if they knew people were making millions of dollars from their ideas.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Macro for Ms Excel to Change Word Case

To change case in Ms Excel can be done using upper(), lower() and proper() functions of excel.

But sometime some data getting mix up between upper case and lower case, however if we assign those function to each data that we want to change will time consuming.

Here , I use simple macro to solve to problems. The idea is to insert a new column next to the cell we want to change, then we change the words and copy back to the original column and delete the extra column. I use keyboard shortcut such as CTRL+Shift+U to change to upper case and CTRL+Shift+L to Lower case and CTRL+Shift+P to proper case.


Here the macro listing

Sub RubahUpper()


' RubahUpper Macro

' Merubah isi sel menjadi huruf besar semua

' Change to Upper case

' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+U



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=UPPER(RC[1])"



ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _

:=False, Transpose:=False

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select

Application.CutCopyMode = False

Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft


End Sub

Sub RubahLower()


' RubahLower Macro

' Merubah isi sel menjadi huruf kecil semua

' Change to Lower Case

' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+L



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Lower(RC[1])"



ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _

:=False, Transpose:=False

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select

Application.CutCopyMode = False

Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft


End Sub


Sub RubahProper()


' RubahProper Macro

' Merubah isi sel menjadi huruf Besar awal kata

' Change to Proper Case

' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Lower(RC[1])"



ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _

:=False, Transpose:=False

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Select

Application.CutCopyMode = False

Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft


End Sub




Monday, July 9, 2007

New information on

I just updated my website:
please visit some valuable informtion
1. Indonesia hotels
2. Asian Restaurants
3. Recipes

and also my blog on

New Information on

I just updated my website:
please visit some valuable informtion
1. Indonesia hotels
2. Asian Restaurants
3. Recipes

and also my blog on

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How To Get Results With Free Traffic Exchanges

The number one problem that new Internet marketers and business owners face is getting traffic (visitors) to their websites. Owning and running a business means that you have to let your potential customers know you are there! Traditional options are familiar to all of us – radio, TV, circulars, coupons, yellow page ads—but what are the new tools to focus customers on your website?

For many new marketers Traffic exchanges can offer a great way to start getting visitors quickly, and could also provide a fast way to test different marketing campaigns.

So, what is a Traffic Exchange?
A traffic exchange is any system that allows users to exchange advertisements with each other. In its broadest sense, a traffic exchange could include anything from a banner exchange, to a system where members exchange full page views with each other.

The focus of this post is manual traffic exchanges (TEs), or surf exchanges. These services are like advertising clubs where members view each other's sites to earn points (advertising credits) to have their site shown to other members of the club.

For the most part, the members of an exchange share a similar interest. Of course they are interested in free or low cost traffic, but they must also be interested in the subject matter of the other sites being shown.

Many of the larger traffic exchange services have a membership that is predominantly interested in marketing (network marketing, multi-level marketing or general Internet marketing). These exchanges may also attract members that are interested in other subjects as well, like trading collectibles, blogging, etc.

How Does a Traffic Exchange Work?
After joining the club (exchange) a member begins viewing other members' websites (ads) in a framed site. The member waits a certain period of time and is then able to click on a link or button to load and view the next page. For each site that is viewed, the member receives points (or credits). Typically one half of a point is given for each site viewed. After accumulating some credits (points), the member then spends the credits to have his or her site shown in the exchange to other members. In this way page views are exchanged.

Most traffic exchanges are free to join, although some require a small payment, adding to their exclusivity. The owner of the exchange sells additional credits or upgraded memberships, to pay for running the service.

Most traffic exchanges have an affiliate system in place that allows a member to earn additional credits for referring new members to the club. Many times these referral systems are multi-level, meaning that you not only earn credits on the new members you recruit, but additional credits on the members that your referrals recruit. This makes these exchanges a form of multi-level advertising.

In addition to exchanging web page traffic, many exchanges offer additional services including banner advertising, text ads, email advertising, classified ads, directories, and more. However, most exchanges do not offer ALL of those features.

About Traffic Exchanges

Jun 11th, 2007 by admin

What are Traffic Exchanges and why should we use them? Can a Traffic Exchange really be a viable source of advertising?

Obviously my answer is going to be a emphatic YES but I want to share with you why I say yes and why you should be as excited about Traffic Exchange advertising as I am.

Reason Number One: The Cost

Advertising on a Traffic Exchange is probably the lowest priced advertising that you're going to find anywhere, besides tacking your flyer to a telephone pole. The majority of Traffic Exchanges are free to join and the monthly upgrade fees are minimal.

You can produce literally thousands of views to the website of your choice for pennies.

But does low cost equal low value? NO! Unlike the flyer on the telephone pole, Traffic Exchanges have one very important and unique advantage. This leads me to…

Reason Number Two: A Captive Audience

When you advertise in Traffic Exchanges you are making use of some of the the most valuable advertising there is. There are a couple of different characteristics that make this true.

First, your audience is captive. A manual exchange requires the surfing member to physically click on a link to advance to the next website. The member must be looking at the surf bar to do that.. the same surf bar that surrounds your website. In other words, in order for a member to surf and accumulate credits, he MUST see your site.

Secondly, Traffic Exchanges are increasingly using categories. When you submit your website you are asked into which category it fits best. Doing this assures that if another member selects the catagory of Autoresponders, and yours is listed there, that member is going to see it. That's as targeted as you're ever gonna get.

It's true, that all don't use the catagory feature yet, and it's also true that at this point many catagories aren't needed. Honestly traffic exchanges cater mostly to Internet Marketers at this point.


Don't confuse being Internet Marketers with members who are only looking for the next get rich quick scheme or even a legitimate opportunity.

While that covers a portian of an exchanges membership.. it certainly isn't exclusive to that.

A large group of Internet Marketers are serious minded business people that have already found a legitimate business and don't want another one! What they do need are the tools and resources to run, market, organize, maintain and promote the business they have.


The fact that so many users are Internet Marketers makes Traffic Exchanges the ultimate targeted audience for many of us righ now.

But that fact also leads us right into the best part.. the most exciting, I can't contain myself any longer, reason!

Reason Number Three: Traffic Exchanges are in their infancy.

The first Traffic Exchange began just 8 short years ago! Each of you as members of a Traffic Exchange are truly in at the beginning of a new era of advertising.

We are just beginning to see the big picture. We are just beginning to experience the immense power of this new advertising arena. You can believe it when I say that you haven't seen nothin' yet!

Have you noticed while surfing that you come across more and more sites that are NOT related to Internet Marketing. While still the minority, there are many sites targeting gifts, pets, music, sportswear, apparel and more. This is the future of TrafficExchanges! This is what should make you 'jumpin' outta your chair' excited!!

If you are an Internet Marketer.. Traffic Exchanges are just going to continue to grow and be a huge target audience for you. If, however, your passion lies in another area, making jewelry perhaps or having an online antique book store, Traffic Exchanges are on the verge of exploding your advertising horizons.

As all of us involved with Traffic Exchanges work together and begin stretching and growing out of our comfort zones, our presence WILL become known. We WILL impact the advertising world in a HUGE way.

No matter what it is that you want to advertise, you will have a world wide market! Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people will be drawn to and begin using Traffic Exchanges.. and for 2 very simple reasons.

Reason Number 1: The Cost

Reason Number 2: A Captive Audience

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
- Mark Caine

About Traffic Exchanges

Jun 11th, 2007 by admin

What are Traffic Exchanges and why should we use them? Can a Traffic Exchange really be a viable source of advertising?

Obviously my answer is going to be a emphatic YES but I want to share with you why I say yes and why you should be as excited about Traffic Exchange advertising as I am.

Reason Number One: The Cost

Advertising on a Traffic Exchange is probably the lowest priced advertising that you're going to find anywhere, besides tacking your flyer to a telephone pole. The majority of Traffic Exchanges are free to join and the monthly upgrade fees are minimal.

You can produce literally thousands of views to the website of your choice for pennies.

But does low cost equal low value? NO! Unlike the flyer on the telephone pole, Traffic Exchanges have one very important and unique advantage. This leads me to…

Reason Number Two: A Captive Audience

When you advertise in Traffic Exchanges you are making use of some of the the most valuable advertising there is. There are a couple of different characteristics that make this true.

First, your audience is captive. A manual exchange requires the surfing member to physically click on a link to advance to the next website. The member must be looking at the surf bar to do that.. the same surf bar that surrounds your website. In other words, in order for a member to surf and accumulate credits, he MUST see your site.

Secondly, Traffic Exchanges are increasingly using categories. When you submit your website you are asked into which category it fits best. Doing this assures that if another member selects the catagory of Autoresponders, and yours is listed there, that member is going to see it. That's as targeted as you're ever gonna get.

It's true, that all don't use the catagory feature yet, and it's also true that at this point many catagories aren't needed. Honestly traffic exchanges cater mostly to Internet Marketers at this point.


Don't confuse being Internet Marketers with members who are only looking for the next get rich quick scheme or even a legitimate opportunity.

While that covers a portian of an exchanges membership.. it certainly isn't exclusive to that.

A large group of Internet Marketers are serious minded business people that have already found a legitimate business and don't want another one! What they do need are the tools and resources to run, market, organize, maintain and promote the business they have.


The fact that so many users are Internet Marketers makes Traffic Exchanges the ultimate targeted audience for many of us righ now.

But that fact also leads us right into the best part.. the most exciting, I can't contain myself any longer, reason!

Reason Number Three: Traffic Exchanges are in their infancy.

The first Traffic Exchange began just 8 short years ago! Each of you as members of a Traffic Exchange are truly in at the beginning of a new era of advertising.

We are just beginning to see the big picture. We are just beginning to experience the immense power of this new advertising arena. You can believe it when I say that you haven't seen nothin' yet!

Have you noticed while surfing that you come across more and more sites that are NOT related to Internet Marketing. While still the minority, there are many sites targeting gifts, pets, music, sportswear, apparel and more. This is the future of TrafficExchanges! This is what should make you 'jumpin' outta your chair' excited!!

If you are an Internet Marketer.. Traffic Exchanges are just going to continue to grow and be a huge target audience for you. If, however, your passion lies in another area, making jewelry perhaps or having an online antique book store, Traffic Exchanges are on the verge of exploding your advertising horizons.

As all of us involved with Traffic Exchanges work together and begin stretching and growing out of our comfort zones, our presence WILL become known. We WILL impact the advertising world in a HUGE way.

No matter what it is that you want to advertise, you will have a world wide market! Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people will be drawn to and begin using Traffic Exchanges.. and for 2 very simple reasons.

Reason Number 1: The Cost

Reason Number 2: A Captive Audience

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
- Mark Caine

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